While our main business is brand strategy, at Octonano we recognize that there are many elements to business development that go more unnoticed than regular marketing – that is, what goes into the human relationships that back the majority of business strategy? Today, we’re sharing some thoughts on the importance of authentic connections and leadership from our Co-Founder and Co-CEO Maurizio. Read Maurizio’s point of view below!
I have always advocated for building real-time, face to face, living relationships built between people over authentic experiences. I believe that this approach builds empathy in everyday relationships, but as a business person, I do think that these fundamentals of human interaction are essential to business. Without empathy, it is impossible to fully support your partners, employees, and clients at your maximum capacity.
On my most recent trip to Italy, the need for real personal contact – not just digital – became all the more apparent. Here, instead of communicating via WhatsApp messages, social media likes, and even phone calls, I had the opportunity to meet, discuss, and truly understand another person’s point of view. This occurred to me while at Pitti Uomo in Florence. During the three-day festival, the difference between interacting in person rather than through a screen blew my mind. After Pitti, I went on to complete the for-charity 24 Ore Castelli di Feltre bike challenge, where the sheer physical experience of biking for a good cause reminded me of the true meaning of teamwork. With each new connection that was forged through these encounters, the more assured I felt in my decision to follow a career path as an entrepreneur.
Yet in addition to simple, direct interaction, there is another “soft” element of business development to be considered: leadership. Throughout each point of contact throughout your day – whether while in the office with employees, meeting with business partners, or simply running errands – to turn a chance encounter into a meaningful one requires the qualities of a leader. Being a leader means, yes, taking charge and making decisions, but it also can entail endless other ways to lead by example: by displaying courage, by following your curiosity, or by paying attention to detail. In a world of marketing where “clout” is often superficially determined by followers or likes, the qualities of a true leader shine through.
The world needs strong people, leaders who live by their values and are willing to break the rules when necessary. This is why I challenge you today to push against what is easy and comfortable, connect with your peers face to face, and embrace the qualities that distinguish you from the crowd. This is the only way to transform our ideas into concrete actions.
Are you eager to grow as a leader and bring your business to the next level? At Octonano, we offer a variety of mentorship opportunities to help your brand be as strong as it can be. Get in touch with our team today!