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Is ‘Community’ the Word of 2022?

Community: recently, it’s a word thats buzzing in everyone’s head. A word that, simply put, indicates a group of people who have come together for a specific, shared interest. Nevertheless, can 2022 really be called the year of “community?”

It seems that everywhere we look, we see brands trying to build their own communities; macro and micro-influencers using specific tones of voice to reach their audiences, and even individuals build communities of influencers amongst smaller circles of family and friends.

While it's true the pandemic brought many changes, it has also inspired a desire for people to come together and feel like they’re a part of something bigger. Forced isolation and quarantines have led all of us to join one another online, in one way or another, including Facebook groups, Telegram channels, and other platforms that allow individuals from one side of the world to share with people thousands of miles away from them on the other side.

Recently, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Meta planned to start testing a WhatsApp Communities initiative. Meanwhile brands and personal brands are utilizing Facebook groups at a greater rate than ever, thanks to new features available. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok now pay incentives to creators with large communities, and devout followers can make donations to support their favorite creators. Attraction to the growth of this trend shows on TikTok specifically, where thousands of users are making videos on how to build their communities based on implementing added value and other strategies.

Another hot topic community belongs to NFT creators and owners. Some celebrities and influencers have created NFT collections, allowing their followers to gain exclusive access to new content through NFT-based memberships.

How can other brands take advantage of this trend? How much can a brand benefit from all the new features that are quickly emerging? Whether you’re a new brand, a startup, or a company thinking of rebranding, there are specific strategies to consider:

  • Meticulous branding, which takes into account all the necessary aspects involving brand identity

  • A marketing plan that takes on coherent cross-channel communication directed to the same type of user

  • A consistent tone of voice, coherent with branding and personality

  • Building a community through valuable content

  • Continuous interaction with a community with the mindful activity of social listening

  • Definition of values to shared with a specific community or fanbase

These are just a few examples of points to consider when thinking about building a community around your brand. Another question to jump-start your brand community brainstorming: When you think about the brands you’re a fan of, why do you follow them?

In some cases, it could be that you find the products they sell intriguing or relevant (style, functionality, technology, etc.). In other cases, maybe it’s a brand’s excellent customer care that makes you feel safe at all times. Or perhaps it’s particular activities the brand partakes in, like charity initiatives, foundations, giving back to the local community, etc. Sometimes it depends on the way a company treats its employees and the planet (sustainability in a broad sense).

New features available on social platforms and the way in which big tech giants are moving indicate that the market is trending towards appealing to communities.

So indeed, community may be the buzz word of 2022. Have you considered the possible benefits of shifting your company to a community-based brand? Maybe you already have a return on investment in mind for community initiatives you’ve considered.

At Octonano we work with brands already established in the market as well as new brands in the process becoming established. In both cases, the community is an aspect that is always addressed as an integral part of branding and marketing strategy.

Let's talk about it.


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